
Since 2012 all registrations of societies with the Registrar of Societies (ROS) have to be done on-line by visiting the official website of The Registry of Societies Malaysia.To register a society, a group of persons sharing a common vision and mission will need to adopt the following procedures:-1. Form a Pro-tem Committee;2. Draw up the objectives and the Rules and Regulations (Constitution) of the Society;Note: The Pro-tem Committee can either adopt the standard template prepared by ROS andmade available in its website OR draw up its own Rules and Regulations.The registration can be approved quickly, within a month, if the Pro-tem Committeedecides to adopt ROS standard template.It is therefore advisable to adopt the ROS standard template if the Pro-tem Committeeneeds to have its organisation registered urgently.3. Proceed to ROS website ( ) to submit the application forms and documents on-line, following step by step as laid down.eROSES Log In at Upon receipt of approval, to convene an AGM to accept the registration and elect OfficeBearers as provided for in the approved Rules and Registration.IMPORTANT NOTE:IF YOUR ORGANISATION HAS MANAGED TO OBTAIN A PIECE OF LAND FROM A GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY TO BUILD A TEMPLE, DO TAKE NOTE OF THE TIME LINE ON WHEN IT IS REQUIRED TO BUILD THE TEMPLE. OTHERWISE, THE GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY MAY TAKE BACK THE LAND IF YOUR ORGANISATION FAILED TO PUT UP THE TEMPLE BY THE STIPULATED DATE. Resource Authored by Bro. TK Teoh'HOW TO REGISTER A BUDDHIST SOCIETY' has been published on Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia's Facebook at .. . - Posted by CFFong  


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