Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) wishes all Malaysians Selamat Menyambut Ulang Tahun Kemerdekaan ke-56 Malaysia ke-50


Merdeka 2013_TBCM 3cSelamat Menyambut Ulang TahunKemerdekaan ke-56 Malaysia ke-50Fellow Brothers & Sisters in the Dhamma,Tomorrow, 31st August 2013, we shall be celebrating our country’s 56th National Day to commemorate the proclamation of Independence of Malaya from the British Empire on 31st August 1957.As we commemorate this special day for Malaysians, let the symbolism of Merdeka inspire us to be free from the shackles of our defilements rooted in greed hatred and delusion. Let us work together to help spread the Buddha Dhamma of Love, Compassion and Wisdom for the good, benefit and happiness of the many.We are grateful and thankful to all of you for helping, in one way or another, to form and nurture the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) as the platform to unite the Theravada Buddhist community; sharing resources, synergizing our effort in Dhamma education, development of learning and propagation resources, training, outreach and missionary program for the propagation and prolongation of the Buddha Sasana.As TBCM works towards strengthening the Theravada movement in Malaysia, we also seek effective representation at the national level to help safeguard the Buddhist interests in the country. There is an alarming increase in ugly racial and religious extremism and intolerance in this world as well as in Malaysia itself. Such extremism and intolerance may escalate to anger, hatred, and violence; and may cause racial and religious disharmony and fear. The violent conflict between the Muslims and Buddhists in a few countries that brought about some local conflicts in Malaysia; and other issues like attack of the Mahabodhi Temple, the surau used for Buddhist meditation and many other issues that arose one after another recently necessitates the timely role of TBCM as a national body. To be more effective at the national level, TBCM joined as a member of the Malaysian Buddhist Consultative Council (MBCC). MBCC which represent the 3 major Buddhist traditions, seek friendly co-operation between Buddhist organizations at the national level to protect the common interests of the Buddhist Community. TBCM is working together with MBCC to help resolve various issues affecting the Buddhists (and in fact manage to resolve a few issues over the last few months).We are grateful and thankful to have this opportunity to serve the Triple Gem and the Community via TBCM. We are grateful and thankful for being given the opportunity and blessings to serve. Let us work together to serve and to contribute to a more peaceful and harmonious world for all to continue to learn, practice and propagate the Sublime Teachings of the Buddha.With gratitude,TBCM Exco30th August 2013


TBCM Workshop @ Nalanda on 1st Sept 2013


Ven. Dr. K Sri Dhammananda Memorial Day