TBCM 2020-2022 office-bearers


Dear Member Organisations

Thank you for attending the e-AGM conducted online via Zoom this morning. The proceedings went smoothly with your support and corporations.

Here is the list of 2020-2022 office-bearers. We will work together to unite, inspire and lead the Theravada Buddhist Community to greater heights in the propagation of the Buddha-Dhamma and to promote the Buddhist Way of Life.

Bro. Lee Kok Cheng.png


Bro. Lee Kok Cheng

Bro. Tan Kim Chan.png

Deputy President

Bro. Tan Kim Chan

Sis. Julie Tan Lee Kheng.png

Hon. Secretary-General

Sis. Julie Tan Lee Kheng

Bro. K Don Premaseri.png

Asst. Hon. Secretary-General

Bro. K Don Premaseri

Bro. Fong Ging Pang.png

Hon. Treasurer

Bro. Fong Ging Pang

Bro. Cheah How Ngian.png

Asst. Hon. Treasurer

Bro. Cheah How Ngian

Bro. Tan Leng Huat.png

Exco Member

Bro. Tan Leng Huat

Bro. Tee Chee Seng.png

Exco Member

Bro. Tee Chee Seng

Dr. Oo Swee Khoon.png

Exco Member

Dr. Oo Swee Khoon

Bro. John Lee Siew Thong.png

Exco Member

Bro. John Lee Siew Thong

Bro. Lee Chong Yong.png

Exco Member

Bro. Lee Chong Yong


TBCM is now on Telegram


Happy Birthday Ven B Sri Saranankara