Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia

Announcement, Exco Messages Editor SCS TBCM Announcement, Exco Messages Editor SCS TBCM


There is a shipment delay of the paper material needed to print the 4 Nikayas. The paper material was supposed to arrive in Malaysia early November 2021 but was delayed due to global pandemic.

The printer will update us on the status of the delivery at the end of December 2021.

We apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused and hope for your understanding.

Thank you for your patience.

Regards with Metta,

Sis Julie Tan Hon. Secretary-General

Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia

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Dīgha Nikāya
News, Resource Sharing, Resources, Sutta TBCM News, Resource Sharing, Resources, Sutta TBCM

Dīgha Nikāya

The Digha Nikaya, or "Collection of Long Discourses" (Pali digha = "long") is the first division of the Sutta Pitaka, and consists of thirty-four suttas, grouped into three vaggas, or divisions:

Silakkhandha-vagga — The Division Concerning Morality (13 suttas)

Maha-vagga — The Large Division (10 suttas)

Patika-vagga — The Patika Division (11 suttas)

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