Regret over vandalism -Government should put more effort in protecting historical and cultural sites 联合文告:《遗憾人为破坏,政府应更无私维护历史文
Regret over vandalism -Government should put more effort in protecting historical and cultural sitesThe recent destruction of an ancient Hindu temple (candi 11) with a thousand year history in the Bujang Valley of Kedah State by a private developer for a property project is both shocking and deplorable. The Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM), The Buddhist Research Society of Malaysia (BRSM), Persatuan Belia Kristian Malaysia (PBKM), Persatuan Graduan Muda Malaysia (GRADUAN), Pertubuhan Gerakan Belia Bersatu Malaysia (GBBM), Persatuan Usahawan Maju Malaysia (PUMM), and The Young Malaysians Movement (YMM) would like to strongly condemn this extremely selfish act by the developer, as well as the Kedah Government’s inability to protect the historical site.Bujang Valley is a site of great historical value to the country and not just the state of Kedah. As such it is of great value to all Malaysians, irrespective of race or religion. A heritage site such as the Bujang Valley represents a milestone in the development of human history and should belong to humanity.We are deeply disappointed that the Kedah State Government has failed in its responsibility to preserve such an historical site and we call upon the State Government to review all development plans in the Bujang Valley immediately. The State Government must explain how the developer managed to obtain approval to clear this piece of land in the Bujang Valley which is an extremely rich archaeological site. The State Government must give an assurance that a tragedy of this nature will not happen again.This incident is also a reflection of modern society’s readiness to sacrifice our rich history for profits in the name of economic development. Without our cultural heritage, our country’s development will become pale, colorless, and shallow. If the history of human civilization cannot be completely recorded, people will lose the chance to learn from history.The Government must take immediate action to remedy this situation by identifying and gazetting all heritage sites throughout the country in order to effectively protect and manage them. The Government should also prepare a concrete proposal on the methods of preservation of heritage sites, while increasing the surveillance and security of these sites to prevent future acts of vandalism of historical artifacts in archaeological sites.The effort to protect and develop heritage sites should transcend race and religion and the Government should prove its sincerity in this area.Apart from this, the Government should also seek the cooperation of the people, listen to professional advice, and acknowledge the positive values generated through preservation of our cultural heritage and at the same time increase our citizens’ awareness towards preserving our heritage sites.Many heritage sites throughout the world have been damaged by accident, but such flagrant destruction of candi 11 at Bujang Valley by the developer has brought shame to our country in the eyes of the world. Year 2014 is also Visit Malaysia Year. The Petronas Twin Towers in the middle of the city is not the only attraction the Government is introducing to the world, but also the unique multi-cultural heritage of Malaysia which is rich in cultural significance.联合文告:《遗憾人为破坏,政府应更无私维护历史文化遗迹》针对一家发展商为了兴建房屋,竟将吉打州布央谷一处有着上千年历史的兴都庙夷为平地,马来西亚佛教青年总会(马佛青)、马来西亚佛教研究协会(马佛研)、马来西亚基督教青年协会(基督青)、马来西亚大专青年协会(大专青)、马来西亚青年团结运动(青团运)、马来西亚创业促进会(青创会)及马来西亚青年运动总会(青运)深表震惊,并严厉谴责发展商极度自私的行为及吉打州政府在维护历史遗迹的不力。文化历史遗迹是人类发展史的瑰宝,记录着人类文明的发展,属于全人类拥有。吉打州政府无法完好保留历史古迹已为失责,必须马上检讨所有在布央谷的工程。州政府必须解释发展商如何在拥有许多历史遗迹的布央谷取得工程执照,同时检讨已在布央谷发出的工程执照,并保证同样不幸的事件不会再发生。这起事件也让人联想到人们为了物质社会的发展而牺牲了人类精神内涵。这其实是一种非常愚蠢的做法。没有了文化底蕴而大肆发展的国家将是苍白无色及肤浅的,人类历史文明无法完好的记录下来,将失去从历史中学习及成长的机会。政府必须亡羊补牢,于全国各地圈定拥有历史遗迹的地段,并在宪报上颁布,以便可以更妥善及有系统的维护及管理历史遗迹。政府需要公布在维护历史遗迹的具体方案,同时加强监督机制,严惩肆意破坏及漠视拥有历史遗迹价值的各造。在维护及发展历史遗迹的努力上应该是超越种族及文化信仰的,政府必须在这方面表现得更无私及诚意。除此之外,政府也应该结合民间力量,听取更多专业的意见,籍此肯定文化历史遗迹所带来的正面价值,同时提升国民维护文化古迹的意识。世界上许多历史遗迹的损坏都源自于意外,但是如此明目张胆的人为破坏,却已让国家在国际社会上蒙羞。2014年也是马来西亚旅游年,政府需要向世界推介的不仅仅是耸立在闹市中的国油双峰塔,更应该包涵马来西亚特有的多元历史遗迹,以及丰富的文化内涵。