Persatuan Suttarama Kuala Terengganu


Persatuan Suttarama Kuala Terengganu

Persatuan Suttarama Kuala Terengganu is located in the town of Kuala Terengganu. The Society is on the third floor of a commercial building along a main street, Jalan Air Jernih. Within the society’s modest area are a raised stage with a beautiful white statue of the Buddha, an open space of wood floor, a small library of dhamma books and a pantry. This is a small yet peaceful place.suttarama

Opening day of Persatuan Suttarama Kuala Terengganu held on 15th July 2005. The first aim of the Society is to propagate Theravada Buddhism. In the past few years, Suttarama has organized activities such as meditation retreats, dhamma talks by visiting monks, trips to Kathina ceremonies, visits to monasteries, meditation courses, Uposatha day chanting and so on.

The second aim of the Society is to promote the learning of Sutta and Dhamma, and the third aim is to promote the practice of meditation. Every Monday, dhamma friends will gather at the Society to do chanting and practice meditation. While every Thursday, members will study the Sutta and discuss the Dhamma. In the busy samsara world, a visit to Suttarama refreshes our mind and reminds us to practice diligently to find our inner peace and joy.

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