
TBCM_FB Cover 1aBrothers and Sisters in the Dhamma,Namo BuddhayaWarmest Greetings to all of you.It is time to bid farewell to the year 2014 and looking forward to a better year ahead. With happiness and gratitude, we wish you Happy New Year and thank you for your friendship, co-operation and support given to Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia.Today’s world is moving at great speed. Information communication is almost instantaneous. Every day, we are bombarded with lots of negative news (though of course, not all were doom and gloom. There were many positive news too). There were so many tragic events that plagued our world over the last one year, ranging from terrorism, inhumane acts of horror, senseless killings of innocent young and old, racial bigotry, religious extremism and the list goes on. Many of these negativities have their root cause in greed, hatred and delusion in ill-directed minds of some people. Such unguarded manifestations of the mind can cause untold suffering to many people. As we bid farewell to 2014 and welcome a new year, let us, as followers of the Three Jewels be a catalyst to promote the cultivation of a more wholesome mind for greater happiness, peace and harmony in this world.“Mind is the forerunner of all states”, the Buddha said (Dhammapada verse 1), “Mind is chief, mind-made are they. If one speaks or acts with wicked mind, suffering will follow one, like the wheel follows the hoof of the draught-ox”.“Mind is the forerunner of all states”, the Buddha said (Dhammapada verse 2), “Mind is chief, mind-made are they. If one speaks or acts with pure mind, happiness follows one like one’s shadow that never leaves one”As we think so we are. If we cultivate a wholesome mental blueprint in us, happiness will come our way. Happiness is contagious especially if more and more people also have wholesome mental blueprints after learning and practising the Buddha Dhamma. So let us be more active and proactive to help in the propagation and prolongation of the Buddha’s Teaching of love, compassion and wisdom for a happier, more peaceful and harmonious world.Over the last one year, TBCM has been focusing its efforts on a few functional areas:• TBCM continues to enhance liaison and networking amongst its Member Organisations.• TBCM is actively promoting Dhamma Education via social media such as its webpage and Facebook linking to e-books, research/articles, etc..• TBCM is organising leadership training programmes for its Member Organisations• TBCM participates actively in the Malaysian Buddhist Consultative Council to help safeguard the Buddhist interest in the country.TBCM also appeals to all to come forward and help in one way or another, the flood victims displaced by the current flood of unprecedented proportions. Almost a quarter million people are suffering. Many lost their homes and belongings. Some even lost their lives. They need our help to alleviate them of their suffering.As TBCM moves forward in its mission, we look forward to your input, help and support, sharing with us your knowledge, experience and skills so that together we can progress and succeed together.Once again, we thank you for your support, contribution, co-operation and friendship.May all of you be blessed by the Three Jewels.May all of you have a Happy, Healthy and Successful 2015!With Mettā,TBCM Exco31st December 2014 


"How To Let Go", a Dhamma Talk in Cantonese by Ven. Hasapanna Bhikkhuni


Getting to Know The Buddha