Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia


Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia,Sri Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia

BackgroundNalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia was established in 2003. Our principal centre and management office is located at Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang, Selangor. Over the past decade, we have been successfully organising many educational programmes such as Dhamma courses, camps, meditation retreats, public forums, conferences and seminars.


Besides having effective programmes and activities, Nalanda also hosts an important referral library containing valuable resources for Buddhist research and studies. Devotees from all over the country are drawn to Nalanda regularly for Dhamma studies. Furthermore, increasing number of youths and undergraduates are making use of Nalanda Centre as their activity hub. Thus, Nalanda has become one of several acknowledged centres of Buddhist education in Malaysia.

Nalandian Motto"Holistic Education for Integral Human Development"

Doctrinal AffiliationNalanda Buddhist Society belongs to the Pāli School of Buddhism, which is closely related to the Theravada School that developed in Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Thailand. Pāli was the language used by the earliest Buddhist communities 2,600 years ago, and is today the canonical language of the Theravada School as well.

Organisational Affiliation

Nalanda Buddhist Society is a member of the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) – a national-level federation of Theravada Buddhist organisations.

Nalanda is also one of five founding members of the Buddhist Community Alliance (BCA) – a cooperative alliance of like-minded Theravada societies in the South Klang Valley. The BCA’s Secretariat is currently based at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.

VisionWe facilitate the making of a Buddhist community that is proactive in learning, studying and practising the noble teachings of the Buddha; achieving the Six Well-beings; and energetic in rendering services to the world.

MissionNalanda’s noble mission is to effect personal transformation and social improvements around the world by providing appropriate educational opportunities based on Buddha-Dhamma.


  • To promote the learning, study, practice, and understanding of Buddha’s moral teaching and guidance as a way of life.
  • To promote and facilitate the achievement of Six Well-beings in life.
  • To promote Buddhist educational programmes and cultural heritage.

Nalandian Spirit & Culture

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There is a distinguished quality about Nalandians as they go about performing their services, and in the way they live their lives – that measured, calm and serene manner which prevails. Visitors often marvel at the way Nalandians carry themselves with such discipline and humility.

There is also a distinct “can do” spirit at Nalanda. Members and volunteers maintain a positive attitude towards life’s challenges, and strive to improve themselves all the time.

Our Founder summarized the Nalandian Culture with this description,“…Nalandians are humble, eager to learn the Dhamma, easy to be admonished, yet confident in their inherent goodness, and courageous in acting and living wisely.”

More about Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia ... and

- Posted by CFFong


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