Monks' Professional Visit Pass / Permohonan Pass Lawatan Ikhtisas Mubaligh Lain - Lain Agama


Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia

Please find below the 'Monks' Professional Visit Pass' / 'Permohonan Pass Lawatan Ikhtisas Mubaligh Lain - Lain Agama' form from the Malaysian Immigration Department. All requirements have been mentioned and adherence to them will greatly facilitate an application's smooth processing. Go to this link to download this form

Visit Pass (Ikhtisas) is issued to foreign nationals who wish to work as Hindu Sami (Gurukkal), Sikh Sami (Granthi), Priest, Dharma Teacher, and Carver.


  1. Visit Pass (Professional) Applicants must be in the country of origin when the application is made and enter/ come to Malaysia through an Entry Visa issued by the Malaysian Embassy/ Representation in the country of origin.

  2. The maximum period allowed is for three (3) years only.

  3. Meet the age requirements as follows:

  • 40 years and above for Hindu monks (Gurukkal), Granthi, Dharma Teachers and Priests

  • 35 years and above for religious musicians

  • 30 years and above for religious sculptors

  1. Applications must be submitted by the employer/ sponsor/ temple/ Gurdwara/ Tokong

  2. The application must be submitted at least one (1) month before the applicant starts working

  3. Approval of the application depends on the decision of the Special Committee on Visit Pass (Professional)

source page >>>

Immigration Department of Malaysia Headquarters
(Ministry of Home Affairs)

No. 15, 1-7 Floor, (Podium)
Persiaran Perdana, Presint 2,
62550 Putrajaya.

T : 03-8000 8000 (MyGCC)

- Posted by CFFong


New-moon Uposatha Observance Day | 3 January 2022


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