
Fellow Brothers & Sisters in the Dhamma,On 31st August 2014, we shall be commemorating our country’s 57th Anniversary of Merdeka and on 16th September 2014, the 51st Anniversary of the formation of the Federation of Malaysia.MERDEKA & MALAYSIA DAY 201457 years ago on 31st August, more than 20,000 people of different races gathered in Merdeka Stadium with lots of enthusiasm and hope for a better future. Today, we still have lots of hope for a better future for this country despite the spate of racial and religious intolerances, suspicions and tensions over the last one year.Our Minister of National Unity. Tan Sri Joseph Kurup has called on Malaysians to “stand and be counted” to iron out differences and to be united for the sake of the country. He launched the “Say Something Nice Campaign” in conjunction with Merdeka and Malaysia Day. This is in line with the Buddhist practice of “Think Good Thoughts, Say Good Words and Do Good Deeds” with our hearts and mind filled with loving-kindness, compassion, altruistic joy and equanimity. Let us contribute our part to make this country and this world a better one for everyone.Merdeka Day is a good day for reflection and gratitude. We owe a debt of gratitude to the Buddha, our parents, teachers, friends, and others who have contributed. in one way or another, to the many blessings in our lives.We are also grateful and thankful to all of you for your assistance in helping to unite the Buddhist community in Dhamma education and propagation, and protection of the Buddha Sāsana.We are grateful and thankful to have this opportunity to serve the Triple Gem and the Community. Let us work together to serve and to contribute to a more peaceful and harmonious world for all to learn, practice and propagate the Sublime Teachings of the Buddha.With gratitude,TBCM Exco30th August 2014Message at Facebook here ...


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Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammanada Memorial Day 31st August 2014