Karaniya Metta Sutta


Karaniya Metta Sutta:

The Buddha's Words on Loving-Kindness

 On account of the spiritual power of their meditation, the tree deities could not stay in their trees-abodes above the monks, so they had to come down to the ground. Realizing that the monks would spend the whole rainy season there, the deities were much annoyed. So they tried to scare the monks away during the night by harassing them in various ways.After living under such impossible conditions for sometime, the monks could not bear it any longer and rushed back to the Buddha and informed him about their difficulties. So the Buddha advised them to recite the text of loving kindness (Metta Sutta) and to radiate the spirit of love to all beings.Encouraged by this discourse, the monks returned to their respective places. They practised in accordance with the instructions given them to permeate the entire atmosphere with radiant thoughts of love, The tree-deities were much pleased to be affected by the power of love, and so let the monks (meditators) stay without any further disturbances. 

translated from the Pali by Amaravati Sangha

This is what should be doneBy one who is skilled in goodness,And who knows the path of peace:Let them be able and upright,Straightforward and gentle in speech,Humble and not conceited,Contented and easily satisfied,Unburdened with duties and frugal in their ways.Peaceful and calm and wise and skillful,Not proud or demanding in nature.Let them not do the slightest thingThat the wise would later reprove.Wishing: In gladness and in safety,May all beings be at ease.Whatever living beings there may be;Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none,The great or the mighty, medium, short or small,The seen and the unseen,Those living near and far away,Those born and to-be-born —May all beings be at ease!Let none deceive another,Or despise any being in any state.Let none through anger or ill-willWish harm upon another.Even as a mother protects with her lifeHer child, her only child,So with a boundless heartShould one cherish all living beings;Radiating kindness over the entire world:Spreading upwards to the skies,And downwards to the depths;Outwards and unbounded,Freed from hatred and ill-will.Whether standing or walking, seated or lying downFree from drowsiness,One should sustain this recollection.This is said to be the sublime abiding.By not holding to fixed views,The pure-hearted one, having clarity of vision,Being freed from all sense desires,Is not born again into this world. 

translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

This is to be done by one skilled in aimswho wants to break through to the state of peaceBe capable, upright, & straightforward,easy to instruct, gentle, & not conceited,content & easy to support,with few duties, living lightly,with peaceful faculties, masterful,modest, & no greed for supporters.Do not do the slightest thingthat the wise would later censure.Think: Happy, at rest,may all beings be happy at heart.Whatever beings there may be,weak or strong, without exception,long, large,middling, short,subtle, blatant,seen & unseen,near & far,born & seeking birth:May all beings be happy at heart.Let no one deceive anotheror despise anyone anywhere,or through anger or irritationwish for another to suffer.As a mother would risk her lifeto protect her child, her only child,even so should one cultivate a limitless heartwith regard to all beings.With good will for the entire cosmos,cultivate a limitless heart:Above, below, & all around,unobstructed, without enmity or hate.Whether standing, walking,sitting, or lying down,as long as one is alert,one should be resolved on this mindfulness.This is called a sublime abidinghere & now.Not taken with views,but virtuous & consummate in vision,having subdued desire for sensual pleasures,one never againwill lie in the womb. 


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igHQVc1FP0oKaranîya - mattha kusalêna - yantam santam padam abhisamecca,Sakkô ujû ca sûjû ca - suvaco cassa mudu anati mâni.Santussakô ca subharô ca - appa kicco ca salla-huka vutti,Santindriyô ca nipakô ca - appagabbhô kulêsu ananugiddhô.Na ca khuddam samâcarê kinci - yêna viññu parê upavadeyyumSukhinô vâ kheminô hontu - Sabbê sattâ bhavantu sukhitattâ.Yêkêci pâna bhûtatthi - tasâ vâ thâvarâ vâ anava, sêsâ,Dîghâ vâ yê mahantâ vâ -- majjhimâ rassakâ - nuka thûlâ.Ditthâ vâ yêva additthâ - yêca dûrê vasanti avidûrê,Bhûta vâ sambhavêsi vâ - sabbê sattâ bhavantu sukhitattâ.Na parô param nikubbêtha - nâti maññêtha katthaci nam kanci,Byârôsanâ patigha saññâ - nâñña - maññassa dukkha miccheyya.Mâtâ yathâ niyam puttam - âyusâ êka putta manu rakkhe,Êvampi sabba bhûtêsu - mânasam bhâvayê aparimânam.Mettam ca sabba lôkasmin - mânasam bhâvayê aparimânam,Uddham adhô ca tiriyam ca - asambâdham avêram asapattam.Tittham caram nisinnô vâ - sayâno vâ yâva tassa vigata middho,Êtam satim adhittheyya -- brahma mêtam vihâram idhamâhu.Ditthin ca anupa gamma - sîlavâ dassanêna sampanno,Kâmêsu vineyya gêdham - nahi jâtu gabbhaseyyam punarêtiti.


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