Happy New Year 2013

Fellow Mitras,

Namo Buddhaya!   Sukhi Hotu!

Warmest Greetings to all of you!

It is with much happiness and gratitude that we wish you Happy New Year and looking forward to your friendship and co-operation for the joint effort in propagating the Buddha’s Teachings and the Buddhist Way of Life.

On reflections, it was because of the joint effort of a number of Theravada organizations that the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) was formed (registered on 9th May 2012). The Council will seek to represent and safeguard the Theravada Buddhist community in Malaysia, and work with the other national Buddhist organisations to safeguard the overall interests of the Malaysian Buddhists.

Where necessary and with the advice and guidance of the Monastic Advisers, the Council will provide the leadership, direction, and doctrinal interpretation to clarify matters arising that are of public interest affecting the Buddhist community, and acts in tandem with the other Buddhist organizations in the country for the overall good of the Malaysian Buddhists.

For a start, TBCM will focus its efforts and attention on a few functional areas:

·       Establishing a Secretariat for the Council;·       Membership recruitment and enhancing liaison and networking among Member Organisations; and·       Buddhist education and training.(Further details are available in our website www.tbcm.org.my)

Once we have established ourselves in the above, we shall work together to move forward with more proactive programs to strengthen the Buddhist missionary work in Malaysia.

The success of TBCM will depend on the broad based support from its member organizations and the Buddhist Community. We hope that with your helping hand, we can work together towards realising TBCM's mission.

May all of you be blessed by the Triple Gem and have a Happy, Healthy and Successful 2013!

With metta,

Bro Chim, on behalf of TBCM


Fly the Buddhist Flag


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