Four Worldly Duties by Ven Dr K Sri Dhammananda


Four worldly Duties of human beingFour worldly Duties

  • Do something without wasting your valuable human life.
  • Must know how to protect whatever you have earned without wasting or neglecting them.
  • Mixing with wise friends who are reliable and trustworthy which give you some sort of confidence to maintain your life.
  • To organize income and expenditure properly to avoid frustration disappointments unsatisfactory in your life.

Audio Part 1Audio Part 2Audio Part 3  

In one of Buddha's discourses  he says that those who have worldly happiness are fortunate in their household lives but they must be wise to make use of their wealth without developing selfishness. They must be kind enough to share the happiness with others. Lord Buddha did not condemn worldly gains or happiness. If we know how to fully utilize them, experience pleasure in a respectable way, we can gain this heavenly bliss whilst we are here and not only after death.

As human beings we 'spend' our good Karmic energy we have accumulated as merits in previous births. We can accumulate more merits and deposit such merits for the future as well as the next life because we know that this in not the complete end of our life existence. The continuity of life process again takes place according to our merits, in matter whether we believe or understand it or not.



The Buddhist Concept of Marriage


Again & Again by Ven Dr K Sri Dhammananda