d'Cradle Webpage

Centre for Research and Dhamma Leadership Enhancement (CRADLE)


To be the premier centre for Dhamma Leadership Research, Development and Enhancement in transforming the Buddhist Community


  • To provide systematic and sustainable leadership identification, development and enhancement programs and initiatives for Malaysian Buddhist Community

  • To innovate progressive Dhamma-Outreach strategies and approaches for the sustainability of Buddha-Sasana.

  • To conduct, document and disseminate research outcomes on Buddhist Leadership of all traditions

  • To create, develop and produce content on Buddhist Leadership, Dhammaduta and Management through the optimal usage of all media and digital technology


Our core values reflect our hope to build a new generation of Dhamma Leaders who are:

  1. Dhamma inspired

  2. Self Transformed

  3. Leading with compassion

  4. Outreach focused


CRADLE stands for Center for Research and Dhamma Leadership Enhancement. CRADLE is setup to look into the overall longer term leadership needs of the Buddhist Community.


The initiative to develop Buddhist Leaders has been long-overdue and should not be left to chance! CRADLE was first mooted amongst the various concerns and issues expressed in various Buddhist conferences and meetings over the decade. The continuation or succession of Buddhist Centers with good inspiring leadership is always of prime concern to all. What the Community needs is a systematic and well thought through approach in the identification and development of Buddhist leaders.

In addressing this pressing problem of the Community, the Think-Tank of the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia has made it the top priority in the setting-up of CRADLE to move the Community forward in preparing and developing inspiring Buddhist Leaders, both for now and the future. We believe the Buddha-Sasana will sustain and continue with Leaders walking in the footsteps of the Buddha.


Looking ahead in the next 10 years and more, CRADLE intends to close the leadership gap of the Community by providing 3 core areas of interventions – Dhamma Leadership Development & Training, Dhamma Leadership Research and Dhammaduta accreditation. This will be done through a properly structured plan to grow and enhance the capabilities of Buddhist leaders via a series of well-thought out programs to change mindsets and building & enhancing skill-sets. There will be 3 key phases of growth:

PHASE-1 Identification and roll-out of transformative Leadership Development Programs and essential skills development that prepare Buddhist Leaders to better lead or manage Buddhist centers.

PHASE-2 Formation of Research Team to conduct research on all aspects of Buddhist Leadership. The research will focus on the Buddha's leadership that inspired millions over His 45 years of missionary work, the leadership qualities of Dhamma Masters of all traditions and example of their leadership principles that we all should emulate and live with.

PHASE-3 Linkage with Buddhist Colleges and Universities to offer Dhammaduta related programs so that Dhamma Outreach workers are properly trained and accredited.


One of CRADLE's signature programs which have been running successfully since 2017 is the "Great Leadership Awakening with Dhamma" (GLAD) Program. Designed based on the Dhammapada 182, GLAD awakens Dhamma Leader to explore the true meaning of Human birth, the Sufferings of many, the hard opportunity to know the Dhamma and the Uniqueness of our Teacher - the Buddha.

For further enquiries, please contact:

Dd. Huat Chye +6013 350 3141

email : cradle.info@gmail.com

Head of Development

Dd. Chee Seng +6010 400 5354


Dhamma Minders 5


Life of the Buddha - The Prince encounters a Sick Man