CNY 2025 TBCM President Message


It's time for Change, leaving insecurities behind.

The Year of the Snake can be a time for change and putting insecurities behind.

Why do I say that? Because, the Year of the Snake in the Chinese Zodiac,is a time for wisdom, transformation and renewal. The snake symbolises intelligence, wit and charm in our culture.

Snakes shed their skin as they grow, are we prepared to shed ours?

Perhaps to transform ourselves for spiritual and physical betterment. This starts with beginning our day with positive thoughts, leaving insecurities behind. Let us adopt this from this Chinese New Year.

Perhaps we should not take ourselves too seriously. Really, this is our problem - We place way too much importance on ourselves. When we make mistakes, it is important to think to ourselves, 'Look, we all make mistakes, but we also have the chance to learn from them, so why fret? Let go, the mistakes are already in the past, focus on the present instead and move forward.'

When people have differences of opinions, let's try to understand that neither of these people are completely "right" or "wrong". It is because of different conditions, which result in different reactions.

During this festive season, let us visit our relatives to appreciate them with gratitude, this strengthens our family bonds and captures the true spirit of Chinese New Year: the giving and sharing with gratitude.

I wish you and your family a Happy and Joyous Chinese New Year.

May we continue to be guided by these timeless experiential teachings of the Triple Gem throughout the years ahead.

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Bro. Leng Huat
Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia.


One-day Insight Dialogue Meditation Workshop


Happy Birthday Āyasmā Aggacitta