Blessed is the birth of the Buddhas ... Dhp 194


Blessed is the birth of the Buddhas;blessed is the enunciation of the sacred Teaching; blessed is the harmony in the Order, andblessed is the spiritual pursuit of the united truth-seeker.Sukho buddhānaṃ uppādosukhā saddhammadesanāSukhā saṅghassa sāmaggisamaggānaṃ tapo sukho.- Dhammapada Verse 194Queen Mahamaya giving birth to the Bodhisatta at Lumbini Garden underneath a Sala TreePicture (right): Queen Mahamaya giving birth to the Bodhisatta at Lumbini Garden underneath a Sala Tree.Borobudur Relief (Left): Queen Mahamaya, on a horse carriage, on the way to Koliya country to give birth. The journey passes Lumbini Garden where the Queen eventually gave birth to the Bodhisatta.- the Full story of the Bodhisatta's birth in Lumbini Garden, visit this link ... Posted by CFFong


“Fly the Buddhist Flag” this Wesak 2014


Releasing wrong fish on Buddha's birthday could do more harm than good: Green Power