Bhante Dr. Dhammapāla Mahāthero
Bhante Dhammapala was born in Kuching in 1970. He was ordained as Upasampada Bhikkhu in Wat Chong Kedah in 1994 under the Most Respected Chao Khun Phra Raj Thammathara. Subsequently, he sought spiritual dependence under the guidance of Bhante Dhammasakkaro Mahathero. 法护尊者于1970年出生於马来西亚砂劳越州古晋。于1994年在吉打州锡县的瓦甘榜庄寺剃度为僧,受具足戒于僧爵喇达摩塔拉座下。随后,他依止于洒甘露尊者座下进修。
He spent 15 years studying Buddhist Philosophy, Pali and Sanskrit literature in Sri Lanka and Hong Kong. In 2009, he obtained his Doctorate of Philosophy in Buddhist Studies under the supervision of Professor Venerable KL Dhammajoti, at The University of Hong Kong. 他也在斯里兰卡和香港深入佛学、巴利文和梵文文献15年。在2009年,他在法光法师教授的指导下,获得香港大学颁发的佛教研究博士学位。
After his graduation, he was appointed as Chief Editor and Spiritual Director for the Buddhistdoor website. From 2010-2013, he was the Visiting Assistant Professor at the Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong. 毕业後曾任香港东莲觉苑弘法精舍之心灵导师、佛门网总监;香港大学佛学研究中心客座助理教授。
He is the Founder and Abbot of Brahmavihara Monastery & Retreat Centre Melaka, Bodhivana Monastery of Sungai Pelek, and The Centre of Mindfulness in Hong Kong.尊者是马六甲梵行寺禅林,双溪比力菩提林, 香港正念禅修中心的创办人和住持。
He is also one of the Monastic Advisors of Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia, Religious Advisor of Metta Lodge Pusat Buddhist Johor, and Religious Advisor of Amata Dhamma Centre, Melaka and Seremban Sudhamma Buddhist Society. 尊者也是马来西亚南传佛教总会的宗教顾问,柔佛民德佛学会的宗教顾问,马六甲甘露苑佛法中心及 Seremban Sudhamma Buddhist Society。
He travelled frequently conducting meditation retreats, dhamma talks, dhamma camps for youth and teens and academic teaching in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and China. 尊者经常往返马来西亚、香港、台湾、中国等地,经常举办不同年龄层的短期出家、禅修弘法活动、青少年生活营和佛学研究教学等。
Currently, he is a Lecturer at The Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong and Malaysian Buddhist Academy 目前尊者是香港佛法中心和马来西亚佛教学院的讲师。