Appeal for DONATIONS To help the TYPHOON HAIYAN Victims


Dear TBCM Members, Namo Buddhaya


TheravadaBuddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) conveys our deepest condolencesto the people and government of the Philippines for the tragic lossof lives and property caused by Typhoon 'Haiyan'. Our thoughts,hearts and prayers go out to all victims devastated by TyphoonHaiyan that swept Philippines, Vietnam and China, leaving thousandsdead, homeless and in despair. 20131216-095104.jpg

TBCM has in the initial stages of raising awarenessand support for the victims of this Typhoon, published direct meansthrough which Buddhists and the public may lend their assistance,via TBCM’s Social Media channels. TBCM, now wishes to enlist thesupport of its member organisations, their members and the generalpublic about the member’s localities, for the victims of thisTyphoon channeled through Tzu Chi Malaysia. 20131216-095529.jpg
Tzu Chi International Disaster ReliefPlan normally comes in 3 stages: Immediate emergency relief, Middleand Long Term Support plans. All relief and support plans aresubject to the consent from Tzu Chi HQ in Taiwan and the relevantcountry’s Government. Immediate relief is distribution of medicalaids and emergency pack to the victims. Assessment & estimationfor further aid shall be conducted together with the country’sGovernment site visit & statistical data collection from localauthorities / village heads, etc. Middle & Long Term Supportshall be focused on helping the victims to resume their normallives. Tasks include building / adopting houses for victims,schools, clinics, community halls, training, counselling etc. Forsustainability, Tzu Chi shall supply the necessity for farming,etc. needed by the victims to make a living. If you and / or yourorganization/s wish to help the Philippine victims, please sendthese contributions via cheque payable to Taiwan Buddhist Tzu ChiFoundation to TBCM at Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia,No.3357, Jalan 18/31, Taman Sri Serdang,, 43300 Seri Kembangan,Selangor. For clarifications please contact : 012-3690577(Sis.Liang M.L.) or 019-3499468 (Bro. Ananda Fong) 20131216-095537.jpg Please publicise this Appeal amongst your membersand your local communities. All cheques are to reach TBCM by 31thDec. 2013. Received cheques shall be presented officially to TzuChi Malaysia after consolidation. You are welcome to witness thispresentation, the date and time of which shall be confirmed latervia email to TBCM member organisations and on TBCM’s Facebook . Note that receipts forcheques received by TBCM under this Appeal will only be issued byTzu Chi Malaysia after the presentation to them( do not make any cheques payable toTBCM. Sadhu Anumodana. Yours Sincerely, TheExecutive Committee Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia Facebook : Contactemail : or theravadacouncil@gmail.com20131216-095542.jpg 呼吁筹款救济海燕风灾灾民 上座部佛教总会 (Theravada Buddhist Council OfMalaysia , 简称TBCM)对菲律宾政府及人民因飓风海燕所遭受的哀痛,损失和伤亡深深哀悼。我们的关怀和祝福与菲国,越南和中国的灾民同在。对于此灾难,上座部佛教总会初时在网页上大力呼吁民众捐助海燕灾民。旨在提高人道醒觉和互助精神价值。如今,我们想采取更进一步行动,希望可以争取到会员团体们的支持,在您们的地区帮忙领收捐款,统计后,缴交于本总会,以便整体转交慈济国际赈灾基金。慈济国际赈灾行动通常以三个步骤进行,即紧急救援和中长期协助计划。所有赈灾行动皆须事先获取台湾总部及相关政府批准方可进行。紧急救援概括在第一时间内发放救济包,如即食饭团,毛毯,医疗服务等等。经过进行灾情评估后,如有需要,将推行中长期计划,旨在协助灾民重建家园,学校,诊疗所,社区设备等等与生活能力。如果您或贵学会/组织欲与本总会一齐救济菲国灾民,请在支票抬头写 Taiwan Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation,然后寄至 Theravada Buddhist Council Malaysia No. 3357, Jalan 18/31,Taman Sri Serdang, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor . Contact :012-3690577 (Sis Liang M.L.) / 019-3499468 (Bro Ananda)请张贴此文告,以协助传达我们的呼吁。有意捐献的会员团体,请在 2013 年12 月 16 日前 把支票寄至上座部佛教总会(TBCM).所有捐款将通过正式仪式转交慈济。届时,日期将被公布在TBCM面子书及电邮。欢迎您出席参加。 请留意,所有收据将在支票移交后,由慈济发出。TBCM收集后,再转发回于会员团体。 切记!请勿在支票抬头写于本总会。请直接写上TaiwanBuddhist Tzu Chi Foundation 感恩您! 随喜功德 ! 上座部佛教总会理事会 合十 网址 面子书电邮 或 theravadacouncil@gmail.comWebsite


Bhante Henepola Gunaratana’s : Part 5


Bhante Henepola Gunaratana’s : Part 4