Almsround or Pindacara near Temoh


Almsround or Pindacara near Temoh by Vihara Buddha Gotama monksPindacara or almsroundLocations are:

  • Monday - Temoh (Interested donors can gather at Kedai Runcit Lee Huat, 74, Jalan Besar, at 8 am).
  • Tuesday - Chenderiang (Interested donors can gather at Market place, 8.05 - 8.20 am).
  • Wednesday - Tapah (Interested donors can gather at Market place, 8.10 am).
  • Thursday - Bidor (Interested donors can gather at Bidor Station New Village, 8.05 - 8.20 am).
  • Friday - Kampar (Interested donors can gather at Food Court (Medan Selera) beside Market, 8.10 - 8.25 am).
  • Saturday - Teluk Intan, Perak (Jalan Maharani (Glutton's Street), Taman Ros Market , Pekan Baru Market, 8 - 9am )
  • Sunday - Vihara Buddha Gotama

* Monetary alms are forbidden as it is against the Buddhist traditionVihara Buddha Gotamamain hall at vihara buddha gotama

Lord Buddha ignored the artificial barriers of distinction when he walked for almsround or pindacara or fondly know as pindapata (Buddhist monk's alms-food gathering). He took — and his monks still take — food from all, regardless of their social status. All men have the right to practice giving (dana) if they wish to do so and to reap the merits deriving therefrom.

The triad of practices so often recommended for the Buddhist laity (giving, dana; morality, sila; meditation, bhavana), and the bhikkhu practices it by giving to other bhikkhus and to lay-people the gift of Teaching (dhammadana), which is the highest

The gift of Dhamma excels all gifts;The taste of the Dhamma excels all tastes;The delight in Dhamma excels all delights.The Craving-Freed vanquishes all suffering-Dhp 354.

"To give" opens the heart and is manifestly opposed to the worldly way "to get." The latter is linked to attachment, while the former is generosity and close to renunciation. Thus thanks for giving lie in the very act itself and the householder is happy that the bhikkhu has given him the opportunity to give.

The merit which one "gets" from giving is really not a "possession" which ensures a good birth in the future, etc., but a change in heart, a raising in the level of skillful consciousness so that one performs and rejoices in performing skillful acts.

If a bhikkhu does not despiseWhat he has received,Even though it be little,Him who is pure in livelihoodAnd unremitting in effort,Even the gods praise.— Dhp 366 


Will the Real Chief Please Stand Up


Venerable Dhammavuddho Mahāthera