All Seek Blessings All Seek Happiness ... but where & how?
All Seek BlessingsAll Seek Happiness... but where & how?Health is the most precious gain and contentment the greatest wealth. A trustworthy person is the best kinsman, Nibbana the highest bliss.Ārogyaparamā lābhā santuṭṭhiparamaṃ dhanaṃVissāsaparamā ñātī nibbāṇaparamaṃ sukhaṃ.- Dhammapada Verse 204~ o ~How do we start on the Journey to Blessings and Happiness?The Buddha's Teaching is often known as the Gradual Training.Checkout these 38 Blessings in the Mangala Sutta Sn 2.4
~ o ~Blessings and Happiness need not only be when you visit a Buddhist Centre, but every moment wherever you are ... surrounded by Good Friends (Kalyana Mitta) ...The Practice is important -Let a man be watchful of speech, well controlled in mind, and not commit evil in bodily action. Let him purify these three courses of action, and win the path made known by the Great Sage.Vācānurakkhī manasā susaṃvutoKāyena ca akusalaṃ na kayirāEte tayo kammapathe visodhayeĀrādhaye maggaṃ isippaveditaṃ.- Dhammapada Verse 281Your Friends are important too -"These four, young householder, should be understood as warm-hearted friends:(1) he who is a helpmate,(2) he who is the same in happiness and sorrow,(3) he who gives good counsel,(4) he who sympathises.- Sigalovada Sutta
"... Ananda. ... Admirable friendship, admirable companionship, admirable camaraderie is actually the whole of the holy life. When a monk has admirable people as friends, companions, & comrades, he can be expected to develop & pursue the noble eightfold path."- Upaddha Sutta SN a Meaningful & Blessed Vesākha monthwith Practice & supported by Good Friends.- Compiled & Posted by CFFong