A Study of Fundamental Concepts in Buddhism


TBCM_FB Cover 1aThis is a Dhamma Education project undertaken by Theravāda Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) in its role to unite and promote understanding among Theravāda Buddhist organisations and followers in Malaysia.'A Study of Fundamental Concepts in Buddhism' is a sample programme that was developed by the Dhamma Education Project Group for participants with no prior background or knowledge of Buddhism and has been used at various Buddhist Centres in the Klang Valley, Malaysia.What Buddhists BelieveProgramme participants are advised to obtain a copy of the book “What Buddhists Believe“ by Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda (expanded 4th edition 2002) to be used as course reference. It is highly recommended to own this wonderful book for it covers a wide range of topics originating from common questions raised by those new to Buddhism. This book may be obtained from Buddhist Missionary Society Malaysia Bookshop, whose contact information may be obtained from this link ... http://bookshop.bmsm.org.my/contact-us/ .Ven Dr K Sri Dhammananda Nayake MahātheroWhere Buddhist Centres are not able to invite knowledgeable Dhamma Sharing Facilitators, volunteer Session Leaders should prepare for the sessions with reference to the slides given and further reading on the topics guided by the Notes provided per slide.The following lists the programme sessions with the relevant reference book pages.A Study of Fundamental Concepts in Buddhism - Session Titles & ReferenceWith Mettā,The Dhamma Education Project GroupTheravāda Buddhist Council of MalaysiaFacebook : www.facebook.com/tbcm.org.myRef: TBCM/Dhamma Education/Fundamental Concepts in Buddhism/Dec2014  - Posted by CFFong 


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