5th Anniversary Dinner of Loka Mitta‎ Buddhist Fellowship Malaysia

Bro Chim represented TBCM at the 5th Anniversary Dinner of Loka Mitta‎ Buddhist Fellowship on 27 Oct 2013, at the Shah Alam Buddhist Society. The dinner was graced by YB Dato' Teng Chang Khim, Most Venerable Saranankara Nayaka Maha Thera and other special guests. The celebration was a success!

vvip at the dinner 

     For more Photos, please visit>>>https://www.facebook.com/LokaMittaBuddhistFellowshipMalaysiaPosted by Terence Seow 

Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Study and Meditation Workshop


Worldly Way And Liberation, by Ajahn Chah